Proudly serving the aerospace & defense industries for over 60 years.
READ MOREA TRADITION OF EXCELLENCEThe Marvin Group delivers confidence and security to warfighters all over the world.
READ MORECONFIDENCE & SECURITYMade in America. Capabilities proven worldwide.
READ MOREINTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZEDIntegrity. Partnership. Can-Do Attitude. Innovation.
Since 1963.
"It is extremely meaningful and rewarding to all of us at Marvin Engineering Co., and throughout The Marvin Group, to be in a position to provide our warfighters with quality products they can rely on. We're proud of the work that we do, and supporting our customers is our way of honoring their service and sacrifices."
Whether you are seeking solutions for Air & Space, Land or Maritime application, The Marvin Group will deliver. With decades of proven manufacturing and design experience, we support a wide range of U.S. and Western platforms. See what we have to offer!
VIEW SOLUTIONSMulti-DomainThe companies of The Marvin Group pride ourselves on offering full life cycle support to our customers, whether they are seeking build-to-print manufacturing, feasibility and producibility studies, research and development, or long-term sustainment. And we have the history to prove it…
VIEW CAPABILITIESLET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE CAN DOAirborne stores carriage and release solutions and auxiliary equipment
Providing airborne stores carriage and release solutions including ejector racks, missile launchers, pylons and aircraft auxiliary equipment since 1963.
VISIT MEC WEBSITEMECHigh performance/high reliability aerospace test and measurement solutions
Provider of high performance and high reliability test and measurement solutions for worldwide military, aerospace, and manufacturing customers operating in environments from the flightline to the production floor.
VISIT MTS WEBSITEMTSCustom power and thermal management solutions for land and naval platforms
Designer and manufacturer of customized power and thermal management solutions for Land and Naval platforms, including Auxiliary Power Units, Environmental Control Units, Electronics Chillers, and NBC Over-Pressure systems.